Command Line Tools

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The RTCU IDE is a true integrated development environment, where all tasks conveniently can be performed without requiring any additional tools.

For specialised or advanced build environments, it is, however, also possible to call certain tools from a command line directly. This can be usable from for example a MAKEFILE or other automated tools.


The following tools are included in the RTCU IDE installation directory:







I/O Extension Configurator


Manipulate RTCU Project Containers


I/O Information tool.


All tools will write out usage information when invoked without any parameters.


Example batch files for building projects:

Using the I/O Extension, Master mode example.


Building an X32 project:

REM Compile VPL file, creates main.vpx
vpc main.vpl
REM Configure project to create main.vsx
vcfg -a=main,100 main.cfg
REM Add IO extension data
vcfgio main.vsx main.prj
REM done


Building an NX32 project:

REM Compile VPL file, creates main.vpx
vpc -nx main.vpl
REM Configure project to create main.vsx
vcfg -nx -a=main,100 main.cfg
REM Add IO extension data
vcfgio main.vsx main.prj
REM Create a new RPC file with main.vsx as the default application.
rpctool -n -a main.vsx DEFAULT.VSX main.rpc
REM done


Building an NX32L project:

REM Compile VPL file, creates main.vpx
vpc -nxl main.vpl
REM Configure project to create main.vsx
vcfg -nxl -a=main,100 main.cfg
REM Add IO extension data
vcfgio main.vsx main.prj
REM Create a new RPC file with main.vsx as the default application and
REM _config_ as the configuration file for flex input.
rpctool -nxl -n -a _config_ _CONFIG_ -a main.vsx DEFAULT.VSX main.rpc
REM done



For additional questions about the use of the above tools, please contact Logic IO.